Team Leadership: Four lessons learned about leadership and the Millennial generation

Introduction: The Challenge

The majority of new professionals in all areas today are from the Millennial Generation (millennials) having being born between 1981 and 1996. By 2030, millennials will comprise more than 75% of the total U.S. professional workforce. If your organization is not actively developing capacity to lead this generation, productivity will suffer. While you may have excellent management talent and administration systems in place to design and control activity, leadership ability will make the difference in success or failure for organizations. How do I know this? Because that is how it is with any team effort: it is leadership qualities that make the difference in positive organizational outcomes such as productivity and employee satisfaction. Leadership, as I describe it in my research, is what gets team members to do what needs doing. Management talent is necessary; however, management skills and systems are control elements of employee activity. Team leaders motivate team members to do the necessary work to achieve goals.

Millennials aren't just team members, so this book also provides insight about millennials as leaders of both other millennials and older generations. The book covers other areas such as the role extraversion vs. introversion plays, how this generation thinks about changing jobs, and communication style difference. Understanding how these elements play a part in the total leadership experience is basic to understanding the problems, challenges, and solutions regarding attracting, motivating, rewarding, and retaining team leaders and team members in today's workforce.

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